The first semester of each year concentrates the period that individuals, who are tax residents in Brazil, shall file the due returns to Brazilian authorities. Considering we are approaching Brazil filing season, we are making available our tax consultancy to support you to fill it out, such as:
- Annual Income Tax Return;
- Brazil Central Bank Report;
Tax residents who holds, on December 31st of each year, assets and rights abroad in total value equal to or greater than USD 100.000,00 (One hundred Thousand Dollars) or the equivalent in another currency are subject to file the Brazilian Central Bank Report with the Brazil Central Bank, from February 15th to April 5th each year.
This statement is merely informative and does NOT generate any tax payment.
However, for those who do not comply with their filing obligation legislation foresees penalties that can reach BRL 250.000,00.
Personae Business Intelligence maintain a team of lawyers and consultants available to support you and your company in filing the individual filing requirements.
It will be a pleasure talking to you. Please contact us.