Brazilian-British Lawyers Exchange Programme

daniel Villas Bôas Brazilian-British

We are very please to announce that Dr. Daniel Villas Bôas´ application for Brazilian-British Lawyers Exchange Programme has been successful.

The program which will take place in London (United Kingdon) and was organized by the Bar Council of England and Wales, the Law Society of England and Wales, Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB) and Lex Anglo Brasil.

The program includes one week of academic course at BPP Law School, specilly designed for this exchange program, supplemented with a series of legal seminars, networking events and one week of placement in solicitors´ firm (law firm) and two weeks of placement in barristers´ chambers, that is how the British’s named lawyers.

The Exchange Program aims to raise participants’ understanding and awareness of how English legal system operates, how the legal profession in England and Wales functions, how to work most effectively with solicitors and barristers, negotiation skills and International aw.

Actually, out top 4 clients are based in UK and it will be a wonderful experience to Daniel and the office.

It will enhance participating lawyers’ legal skills and knowledge in the area of international commercial dispute resolution, International Law, enable them to develop valuable contacts and assist them in building a successful international legal practice.

In addition, our office will gain valuable international contacts and an insight into the international legal market and our Clients headquartered in UK will benefit with the sinergy created by  law firm familiarized with Brazil and UK Legal System.

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